
I just watched the scene at Grant Park on television. Incredible.
Redneck Evolution
The Democratic party is actually starting to show some backbone. I know, it's hard to believe.
But they are taking on the McCain/Palin campaign lies with a site that keeps track of them.
Naturally all the lies have citations, it's not a right wing site.
The Democratic Party Lie Counter will come in handy between now and November if the McCain campaign continues on it's present course.
Pierre Tristam has a great essay on lies and why they work at Daytona Beach newsjournalonline.com, it's titled Flat-out lies finding a receptive audience in voters seeking denial. Here's some of it.
The McPalin campaign knows. No need for rumors and innuendoes. It flat-out lies. Repeats the lies. Then lies again when the lies are exposed. There's Palin's lie about the infamous Bridge to Nowhere: She campaigned for it, then kept the $223 million in federal tax dollars when Washington killed its support. Still, she keeps repeating her "thanks but no thanks" line rally after rally. There's Palin's lie about how "we began a nearly $40 billion natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence," as she told the Republican convention, even though not an inch of that pipeline has been built, not an inch will be built for years, and it may never be built at all. There's Palin's lie about being an ethical reformist even though she thought nothing of billing taxpayers for 312 nights spent at home, at $60 a night, on days she commuted 45 minutes to her governor's office in Anchorage.
Then there's McCain's fantasies about balancing the budget while cutting taxes, fighting wars and "changing the tone of Washington" while slandering Barack Obama's darkish background. It's what Justice William Brennan once defined, in a different context, the reckless disregard for the truth.
But to succeed, deception needs a receptive audience. It needs the incurious, the unquestioning, the toadying. The effectiveness of the lies, in a year when comatose fleas should capably beat the shrewdest Republican, is telling -- not about the candidates' venality, but about the electorate's want: This isn't an election about change. It's an election about extending the denial that made the last eight years possible. Many Americans, maybe most, want to convince themselves that America's moral authority and example is undiminished despite the last eight years. (And who can blame them? Who doesn't wish it weren't so?) The last thing those brave Americans want is change. They want leadership that validates their delusion. Palin-McCain is their narcotic bridge to nowhere.
I've been "debating" right wingers lately and that last paragraph is so true. These people are convinced that Democrats are anti-American and in league with Osama bin Laden, really.
It's time to get serious about your politics, our country is at stake.
ABC News' Sunlen Miller reports: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., offered up a
criticism of the press' coverage of Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign,
during a town hall with seniors in Gresham, Ore., today.
A candidate could only get away with such an elaborate and long-running con with
the media as willing accomplices. “The press loves McCain,” explained NBC host
Chris Matthews (9/10/06). “We’re his base.”
* McCain pledged in February 2008 that he would not, under any
circumstances, raise taxes. Specifically, McCain if he were a “‘read my lips’
candidate, no new taxes, no matter what?” referring to George H.W. Bush’s 1988
pledge. “No new taxes,” McCain responded. Two weeks later, McCain said,
“I’m not making a ‘read my lips’ statement, in that I will not raise
* McCain’s campaign unveiled a Social Security policy that the senator
would implement if elected, which did not include a Bush-like privatization
scheme. In March 2008, McCain denounced his
own campaign’s policy.
But as the National Security Network’s Ilan Goldenberg notes,
“if the ‘average American’ thinks that Ahmadinejad is the ultimate leader of
Iran” it would be McCain’s job as president “to dissuade them of this notion -
not reinforce it.”
May 20, 2008 John McCain has some seriously screwed-up holy men surrounding
him. First, there's the Rev. John Hagee, a hate-monger and certifiable loon who
believes that Hurricane Katrina was God's judgment on New Orleans for planning a
gay parade, calls Catholicism a "false
cult system" that conspired with Hitler to exterminate the Jews, and
believes that America's divine duty is to destroy Iran. Then there's the Rev. Rod Parsley, who garnishes his bigoted theology by
calling Islam "the greatest religious enemy of our civilization and the world"
and saying that Muhammad was "a mouthpiece of a conspiracy of spiritual evil."
Some of McCain's advisers said Monday they are mystified by the new policy,
which they said gives Obama an opening to attack their candidate.
"The most interesting thing in every campaign is the self-inflicted
wound. This is a great case," said one GOP fundraiser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss
McCain's campaign decisions candidly. "When asked to name the 10,000 things
people think are the most important issue, this doesn't make the list."
Another adviser said: "There's scratching of heads. What is going
on? Why are we doing this?"
Wishing you could be a campaign surrogate, but don't have a national platform?
Do you find blogging your own opinions tedious? Wish you could have someone tell
you what to think during this political season? Well look no further than John
McCain's new blog outreach!
Select from the numerous web, blog and news sites listed here, go there, and
make your opinions supporting John McCain known. Once you’ve commented on a
post, video or news story, report the details of your comment by clicking the
button below. After your comments are verified, you will be awarded points
through the McCain Online Action Center.
The table below provides the GPI rankings for the 140 countries analysed in 2008
and the 121 countries analysed in 2007, as well as year-on-year comparison.
Countries most at peace are ranked first. A lower score indicates a more
peaceful country. You can click on a country to see the detail of its peace
indicators and drivers.
Israel’s Vice-Prime Minister, Haim Ramon, admitted Monday that the government of
Israel has, for the last several weeks, been holding talks with the Hamas party,
in contradiction with Israel’s stated policy of 'isolating and attacking’ the
elected Hamas-led government of the Palestinian people.
Main thought. Hillary Clinton is not Barack Obama’s problem. America is Mr.
Obama’s problem. He has been tagged as a snooty lefty, as the glamorous,
ambivalent candidate from Men’s Vogue, the candidate who loves America because
of the great progress it has made in terms of racial fairness. Fine, good. But
has he ever gotten misty-eyed over . . . the Wright Brothers and what kind of
country allowed them to go off on their own and change everything? How about
D-Day, or George Washington, or Henry Ford, or the losers and brigands who
flocked to Sutter’s Mill, who pushed their way west because there was gold in
them thar hills? There’s gold in that history.
John McCain carries it in his bones. Mr. McCain learned it in school,
in the Naval Academy, and, literally, at grandpa’s knee. Mrs. Clinton learned at
least its importance in her long slog through Arkansas, circa 1977-92.
It's about blood equity, heritage and commitment to hard-won American
values. And roots.
Yet, white Americans primarily—and Southerners, rural and small-town folks
especially—have been put on the defensive for their concerns with "guns, God and
gays," as Howard Dean put it in 2003. And more recently, for clinging to "guns
or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them," as Obama described
white, working-class Pennsylvanians who preferred his opponent.
What they know is that their forefathers fought and died for an America
that has worked pretty well for more than 200 years. What they sense is that
their heritage is being swept under the carpet while multiculturalism becomes
the new national narrative. And they fear what else might get lost in the
remodeling of America.
(May 18, 2008) -- Liberal bloggers and commenters at The Washington Post op-ed
section are rightly criticizing a column this week by syndicated scribe Kathleen
Parker that questions Barack Obama’s “deep-seated” Americanism. But she is only
following the footsteps of Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal who raised
similar issues three weeks ago – and was praised by NBC’s Brian Williams for a
“Pulitzer” worthy effort.
In one of the most repellent columns one will ever read, syndicated
columnist Kathleen Parker defended Fry's claim that Obama is something other
than "a full-blooded American." Advancing an argument that Atrios guest blogger
aimai aptly described as "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!," Parker
said "we now have a patriot divide" in America that "has nothing to do with a
flag lapel pin . . . or even military service." Instead:
First Obama had to distance
himself from some bizarre comments made by his former pastor. Then he had to
explain why he doesn't wear a flag lapel pin often enough to suit Charlie Gibson of ABC News. Then he had
to distance himself from a former
member of the Weather Underground to whom
he was introduced when he decided to run for the Illinois Senate but with
whom he has since had scant contact. Then he had to distance himself from Hamas,
a terrorist organization he has repeatedly condemned, simply because its chief
political adviser, Ahmed Yousefat, expressed admiration for him. Now Peggy Noonan of the Wall
Street Journal demands that Obama demonstrate he carries sufficient love
within his breast for … Sutter's Mill.
While Media Matters for America did not identify specific instances of
Obama's getting "misty-eyed" over the Wright brothers, the 1944 Allied invasion
of Europe, George Washington, the 1849 California Gold Rush -- or Henry
Ford, for that matter -- the title of his latest book,
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, suggests that
Noonan should have looked there before suggesting that Obama has yet to address
"[w]hat ... he think[s] of America." She needn't have read past the prologue to
find this:
I think America has more often been a force for good than for ill in the
world; I carry few illusions about our enemies, and revere the courage and
competence of our military. I reject a politics that is based solely on racial
identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or victimhood generally. I think
much of what ails the inner city involves a breakdown in culture that will not
be cured by money alone, and that our values and spiritual life matter at least
as much as our GDP.
"The campaign's general-election strategy is to sell the McCain brand to
show voters that he is distinct from President Bush and other Republicans," the
Post reported.
So guess what members of the press, including those at MSNBC, CNN, NBC,
The Washington Post, Newsweek,
the Politico, and The Boston Globe, have been doing incessantly in recent weeks.
They've been making glowing references to the durability and appeal of the
"McCain brand." I mean, how lucky can the Republicans get? The press is echoing
precisely the message that the candidate's advisers want repeated again and
again. What are the odds?
In reports during the 10 and 11 a.m. ET hours of the May 15 edition of CNN
Newsroom, CNN aired comments by Robert Gibbs, Sen. Barack Obama's communications
director, responding to President Bush's remarks that "[s]ome seem to believe we
should negotiate with terrorists and radicals," reportedly
in reference to Obama, but CNN spliced the audio clip to omit part of the
statement in which Gibbs noted that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, like
Obama, has reportedly said that the United States needs to be willing to meet
with Iran. CNN had left intact Gibbs' reference to Gates in the audio clip of
Gibbs' comments it aired during the 9 a.m. hour of the program.
Yes, there have been appeasers in the past, and the president is exactly right,
and one of them is Neville Chamberlain. I believe that it’s not an accident that
our hostages came home from Iran when President Reagan was president of the
United States. He didn’t sit down in a negotiation with the religious extremists
in Iran, he made it very clear that those hostages were coming home.
PFOTENHAUER: Senator McCain responded directly himself and said he took the
president at his word, that those comments were not directed toward Senator
Obama. […]
SHUSTER: Nancy, does the McCain campaign believe that talking to our
enemies is the same as appeasing them?
PFOTENHAUER: We have never used the term appeasement and you know
"They're the government; sooner or later we are going to have to deal with them,
one way or another, and I understand why this administration and previous
administrations had such antipathy toward Hamas because of their dedication to
violence and the things that they not only espouse but practice, so ... But it's
a new reality in the Middle East. I think the lesson is people want security and
a decent life and decent future, that they want democracy. Fatah was not giving
them that."
The NRA is entitled to their advocacy. I don’t think they help the Republican
Party at all, but I don’t think they should in any way play a major role in the
Republican Party’s policy making. [CNN, 5/12/00]
“The political tactics of division and slander are not our values. They are
corrupting influences on religion and politics, and those who practice them in
the name of religion or in the name of the Republican Party or in the name of
America shame our faith, our party and our country… Neither party should be
defined by pandering to the outer reaches of American politics and the agents of
“Behold I will send for many fishers and after will I send for many hunters. And
they the hunters shall hunt them” - that will be the Jews - “from every mountain
and from every hill and from out of the holes of the rocks.” If that doesn't
describe what Hitler did in the Holocaust... you can't see that. So think about
this - I will send fishers and I will send hunters. A fisher is someone who
entices you with a bait. How many of you know who Theodore Hertzel was? How many
of you don't have a clue who he was? WOO... Sweet God! Theodore Hertzel is the
father of Zionism. He was a Jew that at the turn of the 19th century said -
“this land is our land, God wants us to live there”. So he went to the Jews of
Europe and said, “I want you to come and join me in the land of Israel”. So few
went, Hertzel went into depression. Those who came founded Israel; those who did
not went through the hell of the Holocaust. Then god sent a hunter. A hunter is
someone who comes with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter. And the
Bible says - Jeremiah righty? - “they shall hunt them from every mountain and
from every hill and out of the holes of the rocks”, meaning: there's no place to
hide. And that will be offensive to some people. Well, dear heart, be offended:
I didn't write it. Jeremiah wrote it. It was the truth and it is the truth. How
did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen? Because God
said, “my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come BACK to the
land of Israel”. Today Israel is back in the land and they are at Ezekiel 37 and
8. They are physically alive but they're not spiritually alive. Now how is God
going to cause the Jewish people to come SPIRITUALLY alive and say, “the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He is God”?"
John McCain and the Dictator Money Trail
John McCain will fire you for lobbying for Burma, but he'll still take
your money.
Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if
some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along.
We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in
1939, an American senator declared: “Lord, if only I could have talked to
Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.” We have an obligation to call this
what it is – the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly
discredited by history.
Senator John McCain, who has been critical of President Bush on the
environment and other policies this week, on Thursday morning wholeheartedly
endorsed Mr. Bush’s veiled rebuke in the Israeli Knesset of Senator Barack Obama that talking to “terrorists and radicals'’ was no different than appeasing
Hitler and the Nazis.
Fog Fact No. 3: Sometimes “appeasement” works well; it was American policy
for 50 years.
After the Second World War the Soviet Union annexed the Baltic states,
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, part of East Prussia and part of Slovakia. Then,
mostly through rigged elections, it turned Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary,
Romania and Bulgaria into puppet states and used military force, when necessary,
to maintain that status.
Neither the United States — nor anyone else — seriously challenged any
of that.
Britain was not in a position to project military power east of
the Rhine;
the Royal Navy was preoccupied with the Italian and
Japanese threats; and
the Royal Air Force was in the middle of
rearming. Moreover, as Richard
Overy points out, Chamberlain had
been prime minister for only a year, and
he was “understandably not
prepared to crown that period by deliberately
courting a war that all
his military advisers warned him would destroy the
Britain was not even in a position to contribute to the ground
defense of France and the Low Countries. The British army had
no defined
strategic role in the 1930s outside of home and imperial
defense, and it was
not until after Munich that the Chamberlain
government reintroduced
conscription and concluded that a
continental commitment for the British
army was unavoidable.
Yet as General Maurice Gamelin, the Chief of the French
General Staff,
confessed after Germany’s military reoccupation of
the Rhineland in 1936,
“The idea of sending a French expeditionary
corps into the Rhineland, even
in a more or less symbolic form, is
unrealistic. . . . our military system
does not give us this possibility.Our active army is only the nucleus of the
mobilized national army. . . . None of our units are capable of being placed
instantly on a complete war footing.”
"[Some of my opponents] do not want to change the Constitution, but I
believe it's a lot easier to change the constitution than it would be to change
the word of the living God, and that's what we need to do is to amend the
Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's
standards," Huckabee said, referring to the need for a constitutional human life
amendment and an amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman.
Nevertheless, reports out of the evangelical community dispute Huckabee's
support. One experienced, credible activist in Christian politics who would not
let his name be used told me Huckabee in personal conversation with him embraced
the concept that an Obama presidency might be what the American people deserve.
That fits what has largely been a fringe position among evangelicals, that the
pain of an Obama presidency is in keeping with the Bible's prophecy.
I e-mailed Gov. Huckabee for a response, and he quickly shot back: "it’s total
and absolute nonsense! I told Bob this last week in a phone call. He went with
the story with his 'unnamed source.' Should have been listed as an 'unbrained
source.' He must have liked the story no matter how ludicrous it is. There was
NO conversation between Mike Farris and me to that effect. None. I don’t know of
anyone who feels that 'America deserves Obama.'
Where do people dream up this stuff? Forget the “anonymous” sources—there’s
nothing anonymous about my stand and here it is. We don’t “deserve” Obama—we
DESERVE a President with the character, convictions, experience, and wisdom to
see the problems we face and try to lead us to solve them. We deserve a
President who truly loves this country and from whom there is no doubt as to his
respect for Faith, Family, and the kind of Freedom that those before us have
given their lives to pass on to us. John McCain meets that criteria and that’s
why I am campaigning for him and not hoping for Obama. The nonsense that I want
Obama to win this year so I can run in 2012 is absurd. I love my country more
than my own ambition. So let the record and truth be clear. And let the
“anonymous” sources either show the courage to stand up and be accountable for
their comments or shut up and leave commentary to people who aren’t afraid of
their own shadow.
The people that surround me are honorable people.” - John
McCain [Town Hall Meeting, Exeter, NH 03/12/08]
Frank Donatelli
McCain Tapped Lobbyist Frank Donatelli To Run His Efforts At RNC. McCain
tapped lobbyist Frank Donatelli to become deputy chairman of the Republican
National Committee. The New York Times reported Donatelli will “act as the
main liaison between the committee and the McCain campaign.” Donatelli is
a lobbyist at McGuire Woods and previously served as a lobbyist at Akin Gump
Strauss Hauer & Feld. His clients have included AT&T, Exxon Mobil,
PhRMA, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Verizon. [New York Times, 3/7/08; McGuire
Woods, accessed 5/12/08; Senate Lobbying Disclosure Records, accessed
Donatelli Enlisted to Improve Ethiopia’s Relationship with U.S. In a
September 2005 letter sent to Ambassador Kassahun Ayele of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Donatelli set forth his obligations under their
contract, namely to provide “government relations and related public
communications services to assist and work with Ethiopia in Washington, D.C., in
promoting and strengthening Ethiopia’s relations with the United States and, in
general, providing such other appropriate advice and assistance as will serve to
achieve these purposes.” [FARA Database, accessed 3/18/08, Letter signed by
Frank Donatelli on 9/6/05] •
Human Rights Watch: “The Ethiopian Government’s Human Rights Record
Remains Poor.” According to Human Rights Watch’s World Report 2008, “The
Ethiopian government’s human rights record remains poor, both within the country
and in neighboring Somalia, where since early 2007 thousands of Ethiopian troops
have been fighting an insurgency alongside the Transitional Federal Government
of Somalia. Government forces committed serious human rights violations,
including rape, torture, and village burnings, during a campaign against
Ethiopian rebels in eastern Somalia Region (Region 5). Abuses took place
in other parts of the country, notably in Oromia State where local officials
carried out mass arrests, extra-judicial killings and economic sanctions.”
[Human Rights Watch, accessed 5/12/08, emphasis added]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration on Friday urged a federal appeals
court to stop meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease,
but a skeptical judge questioned whether the government has that authority.
NEW DELHI, May 7 -- A brief comment by President Bush about the role of India in the world food crisis has set off a firestorm of
criticism in this country.
Little has changed in the 11-square-mile corner of northeast Baghdad, but the
stakes are higher now. An Iraqi military offensive launched against Shiite
militias in late March has drawn in U.S. troops and has led to near-constant
fighting in Sadr City. Sadr has threatened "open war" if the offensive does not
end. U.S. troop deaths have climbed to their highest level in seven months,
mainly because of the clashes in and around Sadr City, and the additional
American troops will be gone by July. On Saturday, the Iraqi government said it
had struck a deal with Sadr's aides to halt the fighting, but the two sides
disagreed on its terms and it was unclear what it would yield.
Also in April, as the President’s Approval Rating slipped, the number of Americans who consider themselves to be Democrats
remained near the highest levels ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports.
Alliance Defense Fund, a Scottsdale, Ariz., nonprofit, is hoping at least
one sermon will prompt the Internal Revenue Service to investigate, sparking a
court battle that could get the tax provision declared unconstitutional.
Alliance lawyers represent churches in disputes with the IRS over alleged
partisan activity.
The action marks the latest attempt by a conservative organization to
help clergy harness their congregations to sway elections. The protest is
scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 28, a little more than a month before the general
election, in a year when religious concerns and preachers have been a regular
part of the political debate.
In response to Mr. Obama’s energizing of black Southern voters, enlightened
self-interest may well convince many of the region’s undecided superdelegates to
endorse him. Over the last two years, there have been little-noticed Democratic
gains in Congressional and state legislative elections across the South, as the
solid black Democratic base has been joined by whites disenchanted with the Bush
administration. New concern about the economy may be adding momentum.
During Tuesday’s Democratic Presidential Primary coverage on MSNBC, Chris
Matthews and Tim Russert both admit to ignoring the countless gaffes and
blunders committed by John McCain.
PRESCOTT, Ariz. -- Sen. John McCain championed legislation that will let an Arizona
rancher trade remote grassland and ponderosa pine forest here for acres of
valuable federally owned property that is ready for development, a land swap
that now stands to directly benefit one of his top presidential campaign
Betts is among a string of donors who have benefited from McCain-engineered
land swaps. In 1994, the senator helped a lobbyist for land developer Del Webb
Corp. pursue an exchange in the Las Vegas area, according to the Center for
Public Integrity. McCain sponsored two bills, in 1991 and 1994, sought by donor
Donald R. Diamond that yielded the developer thousands of acres in trade for
national parkland.
In the late 1990s, McCain promoted a deal in Arizona's Tonto
National Forest involving property part-owned by Great American Life Insurance,
a company run by billionaire Carl H. Lindner Jr., a prolific contributor to
national political parties and presidential candidates.
On Wednesday, he vowed to take the fight to religious persecution, human
trafficking, child pornography and other "evil" if elected. Speaking at Oakland
University in Rochester, Minnesota, CNN
said the event was part of the Arizona' senators efforts to reach out to
conservative voters.
Until now, the thing that Than Shwe had going in his favor that few people
outside Burma were paying attention. Unfortunately it's taken the tragic death
of tens of thousands of his subjects, but that's not true anymore. In the wake
of Saturday's deadly cyclone, Than Shwe and his thug regime are not only
blocking more foreign aid workers -- including
America, which already had relief ships in the region on a training exercise
-- but even went so far as to hijack the
first shipment that reached the country.
Inside Obama’s Psyche
A caller to a radio show recently theorized
that mixed-race individuals like Obama are resentful that while they're
half-white, they always come out black. They can never take advantage of their
white half because while the black community accepts them, the white community
If this is true, it could be a legitimate reason for
anger – possibly the same rage that fuels Rev. Wright, given that he is looks to
be of “mixed” parentage.
New Zealand climate scientists are upset their names have been used by an
American organisation wanting to challenge the increasingly accepted view that
climate change is human induced.
"I object to the implication that my research supports their position ...
they didn't check with me."
He said that he and the other New Zealand scientists all felt their
work had been misinterpreted.
"We say global warming is real."
With drug trafficking and violence from international cartels on the rise, "do
you think the DEA's limited resources are best utilized conducting enforcement
raids on individuals and their caregivers who are conducting themselves legally
under California law?" House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich., said in a letter to the agency.
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — Republican John McCain criticized Democratic rival
Barack Obama for voting against John Roberts as U.S. chief justice, reaching out
to the Christian right on one of their chief concerns: the proper role of judges
in government.
Floyd Brown and David Bossie: Back in the Swift Boat captain's
Two longtime practitioners of negative campaigning are mainstreaming
attacks on Clinton and Obama
How Deep Is Your Love?
Republicans are up to their usual tricks -- questioning the patriotism
of their opponents. The media, as usual, is playing along because it lauds
political success, not virtue.
Shellshocked House Republicans got warnings from leaders past and present
Tuesday: Your party’s message isn’t good enough to prevent disaster in November,
and neither is the NRCC’s money.
The double shot of bad news had one veteran Republican House member
worrying aloud that the party’s electoral woes — brought into sharp focus by
Woody Jenkins’ loss to Don Cazayoux in Louisiana on Saturday — have the House
Republican Conference splitting apart in “everybody for himself” mode.
President Bush has threatened to veto the massive housing bill that should pass
the House on Wednesday, casting doubt on wide ranging legislation that had been
crafted with the help of a number of Republicans in Congress and in the
In his speech McCain proposed that the United States expel Russia from the G8,
the group of advanced industrial countries. Moscow was included in this body in
the 1990s to recognize and reward it for peacefully ending the cold war on
Western terms, dismantling the Soviet empire and withdrawing from large chunks
of the old Russian Empire as well. McCain also proposed that the United States
should expand the G8 by taking in India and Brazil-but pointedly excluded China
from the councils of power.
Conservative radio host leads Tuesday broadcast with news reports, testimonials
he says he’s getting from the field of Republicans participating in crossover
voting to keep the Democratic race going.
The numbers are in and they confirm what has been obvious for, oh, 30 years now:
Rush Limbaugh is an egotistical buffoon who, in fact, has no influence on
anything but the opinions of his few gullible dittohead listeners.
By Elisabeth Bumiller
WASHINGTON, May 1—President Bush’s made-for-television address
tonight on the carrier Abraham Lincoln was a powerful, Reaganesque finale to a
six-week war. But beneath the golden images of a president steaming home with
his troops toward the California coast lay the cold political and military
realities that drove Mr. Bush’s advisors to create the moment.
By Michael R. Gordon and Eric Schmitt
BAGHDAD, May 2—The Bush administration is planning to withdraw most United
States combat forces from Iraq over the next several months and wants to shrink
the American military presence to less than two divisions by the fall, senior
allied officials said today.
By David E. Sanger
WASHINGTON, May 2—In his speech, Mr. Bush argued that the invasion and
liberation of Iraq were part of the American response to the attacks of Sept.
11. He called the tumultuous period since those attacks ‘‘19 months that changed
the world,’’ and said Mr. Hussein’s defeat was a defeat for al-Qaeda and other
terrorists as well.
Bush, reaching back to the earliest days of his administration, resurrected GOP demands for new drilling in the Alaska wilderness, fewer
restrictions on oil refineries and other measures aimed at lowering fuel prices
through higher production.
"If there was a magic wand to wave," Bush said, "I'd be waving it, of
course. . . . But there is no magic wand to wave right now. It took us a while
to get to this fix."
But the president had something else up his sleeve. He used his appearance
before the White House press corps to perform one of the oldest tricks in the
book: blaming Congress. He faulted lawmakers 16 times in his opening statement
THE PRESIDENT: No, you can’t. This is the second follow-up. You usually get
one follow-up, and I was nice enough to give you one. I didn’t give anybody on
this side a follow-up, and now you are trying to take a second follow-up.
Q Can I just say —
THE PRESIDENT: They just cut off your mic. You can’t, no.
Today Arizona Sen. John McCain will deliver what his handlers are hyping as
a major address on health care. McCain’s plan is a dangerous fraud.
He wants voters to think he is going after health care cost inflation.
In reality, he wants to dismantle the employer-provided system that now covers
over 60 percent (or about 158 million) of non-elderly Americans, forcing
millions of us who now get fairly decent health insurance on the job to instead
buy whatever they can find on the individual market controlled by unregulated
and predatory insurance companies. And he would drive health care costs upward,
not downward.
Yet, racism for electoral gain obviously did not go away with Helms' retirement
from politics. And neither has Republican timidity in doing anything to control
the extreme elements in the party--or their base if you will. So once again,
just as other conservatives sat idly by and claimed Jesse was just being Jesse,
now John McCain throws his hands
up in the air as if there is nothing he can do when a racist ad is run by
the North Carolina GOP against Barack Obama:
America is also collectively cursed for specific reasons, such as legalized
abortion and a Supreme Court decision against sectarian Bible classes in public
schools but also, more generally, for rebelling against God. As a consequence of
America's disobedience and rebellion, according to McCain-endorser John Hagee,
God's has cursed America and that curse has caused American military defeats, in
Korea and Vietnam, plagues such as AIDS and social blights like violent crime.
God's curse on America has also led "hundreds of thousands" to secretly
sacrifice children to the devil.
"I think that's the case," Cureton replied. "The pastors need to speak
clearly about it. I'll tell you we are working with the Alliance Defense Fund on
a series of sermons this fall for pastors to preach, so that they educate their
people on the issues.
"We're gonna be talking about the value of life, the value of family
and the value of freedom, basically talking about abortion and stem-cell
research," he continued, "and then also about the gay agenda and then finally
about our Christian heritage and how it's being stripped from every corner of
society. And then finally we're gonna be doing a candidate comparison message
that is going to ask pastors to cross the line."
More from the Howey-Gauge
poll in Indiana: "The Democratic primary is going to be decided by
non-Democrats. To be determined is which group -- Republicans or independents --
are going to decide this race.
"The poll shows that self-identified Republicans favor Sen. Hillary
Clinton, 50% to 44%, while independents favor Sen. Barack Obama, 54% to
Among Republicans, there "appears to be two kinds of Republicans: the
'Obamacans' as the Illinois senator likes to call them -- earnest Republicans
deeply disappointed in their own party's performance on the budget, economy,
social issues and the Iraq War -- and the Rush Limbaugh Republicans who are
planning to crossover to vote for Sen. Clinton because they perceive her to be
the weakest rival to U.S. Sen. John McCain in the November election."
Brig. Gen. Dennis Rogers, who is responsible for maintaining barracks throughout
the Army, told reporters at the Pentagon that most inspections were done last
weekend but he had not seen final results.
- Due to the problems raised in the tests, the Pentagon
gave contractor General Dynamics another $143 million for
a redesign and estimated that another $700 million to $800 million was
needed to do another “system development and demonstration” test.
- Due to the budget increase, the Pentagon now says it will buy only
593 vehicles for $13.2 billion compared to the original estimate that it would
buy 1,025 EFVs for $8.4 billion.
McCain employs the media to cement his “maverick/independent” image. The Tim
Russert/Chris Matthews “We are his base,” as Matthews said, school of corporate
punditry will extol his manifest virtues until November. He received a standing
ovation for a speech he recently gave at the Newspaper Publishers Convention.
The Democratic nominee will face a mainstream media that consistently interprets
or ignores events to favor McCain. His gaffes or temper tantrums will be glossed
over. The media doesn’t actively “dislike” Obama as much as it did Al Gore. It
dislikes Hillary but hopes to keep the Democratic race going as long as
possible. But there is little doubt the Democratic nominee will have to defeat
both McCain and the media in the fall.
In a blink of an eye, the media has jumped ship from the Obama
campaign and become a crucial Clinton ally, pressing just the message -- that
Obama is a likely loser in the general election -- that Hillary and her allies
have been promoting for the past six weeks.
The new tenor of media coverage is visible almost everywhere, from
Politico, Time and The New Republic to The Washington Post and The New York
For Hillary, the shift is a potential lifesaver as she struggles to
keep her head above water; without it, she would, metaphorically, drown.
After losing Pennsylvania and a difficult month of scandals, Barack Obama's
double-digit lead over Hillary Clinton has dropped to 7 points in the latest
But I am saying that every analysis that is shortened, every corner that is
cut, moves us further away from the truth until what is left is the Cliffs Notes
of the news, or what I call strobe-light journalism, in which the outlines are
accurate enough but we cannot really see the whole picture.
The problem today unfortunately is that voters who take their
responsibility to be informed seriously enough to search out information about
the candidates are finding it harder and harder to do so, particularly if they
do not have access to the Internet.
News is different from other programming on television or other content in
print. It is essential to an informed electorate. And an informed electorate is
essential to freedom itself. But as long as corporations to which news gathering
is not the primary source of income or expertise get to decide what information
about the candidates “sells,” we are not functioning as well as we could if we
had the engaged, skeptical press we deserve.
Last week was officially the moment that the race for the Democratic
nomination slipped through the looking glass into surrealism. Here is a brief
list of those people who are now actively supporting Hillary Clinton’s
candidacy: Pat Buchanan, a charming man slightly to the right of Genghis Khan;
Rush Limbaugh, the most voluble and incendiary of right-wing talk-show hosts;
Richard Mellon Scaife, the media mogul who financed the virulently antiClinton
crusades of the 1990s; and, if you read between the lines, even Karl Rove, the
“architect” of the past decade or so of Republican dominance in electoral
Am I hallucinating? I promise you I’m not. The merging of the forces
that once persecuted the Clintons with the Clinton campaign itself has been a
wonder to behold. Some on the once solidly anti-Clinton right have even been
directly urging people to register as Democrats to vote for her.
WASHINGTON — Despite Hillary Clinton's big win in Pennsylvania last week,
the story of her campaign is often one of mismanagement and missed
opportunities, and it raises questions about how she'd organize and run the
White House.
"There's a certain style to the campaign, and it shows what we might
expect in a Clinton presidency: a lot of viewpoints and a messiness," said James
McCann, a political science professor at Purdue University in Indiana.
Whether that's a good or bad trait is in the eye of the analyst. McCann
called it "policymaking through trial and error," similar to how Bill Clinton
ran his administration, which to many was a big success.
But her campaign tumbled from riches to rags to rebounds — and now to
hanging on for dear life. It wasn't supposed to be that way.
On the campaign trail yesterday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said he’ll “do
everything” in his power and bring “every
pressure to bear” in order to stop the North Carolina Republican party from
running an
attack ad featuring Sen. Barack Obama’s pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. But
the chairwoman of the North Carolina GOP, Linda Daves, told NPR
yesterday that McCain has not done all he could. According to Daves, she
hasn’t even spoken to McCain:
As John McCain continues using guilt-by-association tactics to falsely
portray his political opponent as a radical terrorist sympathizer, it's worth
remembering that McCain himself has a little terrorism problem of his own.
McCain's terrorism problem dates back to the early 1990s, when he sided
with right-wing domestic terrorists and voted against tough new legislation
cracking down on a wave of anti-choice domestic terrorism targeting women who
visited abortion clinics, their doctors, and clinic staff.
In both 1993 and 1994,
McCain voted against the anti-terrorism measure. On each occasion, McCain was
one of thirty radical anti-choice Senators to oppose the bill Fortunately,
despite McCain's opposition, it passed the Senate by a 69-30 margin.
There's not only McCain's support for making Bush's tax cuts permanent. Most
outrageous is McCain's plan to cut the corporate income tax rate, from 35
percent to 25 percent. What you won't read in today's coverage of McCain's
proposal is that, according to a 2004 Government Accountability Office study,
61% of American corporations, including 39% of large companies, paid no
corporate income taxes between 1996 and 2000. Last year, corporations shouldered
just 14.4% of the total US tax burden, compared with about 50% in 1940. And
McCain wants to give these corporations a break?
...Q You're denying, in this room, that we torture and we have
MS. PERINO: Yes, I am denying that.
Helen then turned in her seat, looked at her colleagues, shook her head
in disgust, and asked sadly: "Where is everybody? For God's sakes!"