Go away for a few months and some things just don't change. The Bush war plan has stayed the same since it was first actually not thought out. If you're not getting the results you want, pretend the plans working and keep doing the same.
Our troops deserve better leaders than George Bush, his advisors and his career-oriented generals.
Answering questions for more than an hour, Bush acknowledged public anxiety over
the conflict in Iraq but remained defiant about his prerogative to conduct the
war as he sees fit.
Not just content with destroying Iraq and our military, he's willing to take a little time off to work his magic on the American justice system. It's a great system, if you're friends with or have something on George W. Bush.
Bush went on to say that he had not spent "a lot of time" talking with people in
his administration about court testimony in the Libby case. But he added: "I'm
aware of the fact that perhaps somebody in the administration did disclose the
name of that person, and I've often thought about what would have happened had
that person come forth and said, 'I did it.' Would we have had this, you know,
endless hours of investigation and a lot of money being spent on this
For some good news, the teen pregnancy rate is still going down. Seems the cause is increased condom use.
One of the most dramatic increases involved condom use by high school students
-- with 63 percent reporting using that protection during their last sexual
encounter, compared with 46 percent in 1991. During that same time, the report
said, the percentage of girls who said they used birth control pills remained
about the same.
You didn't think it would be abstinence programs, did you?
DALLAS (AP) Abstinence-only programs like those promoted by the
Bush administration don't seem to be working on teenagers in the president's
home state, according to a state-sponsored study by Texas A&M University
researchers.The ongoing study, the first evaluation of the abstinence programs
across the state, found that students in almost all high school grades were more
sexually active after undergoing abstinence education.
And now that I've gotten to the subject of Republicans and sex, here's Sen. David Vitter of Louisana. The good senator is your typical family values Republican, big on the sanctity of marriage. You know what I mean, sex only if you're married and probably then just for the creation of more closed minds. Well it seems he just says things like that in public hoping that it will shorten the lines at the brothels. He was even gentleman enough to take calls from his madame on the House floor.
WASHINGTON (July 13) - A woman accused of running a Washington prostitution ring
placed five phone calls to David Vitter while he was a House member, including
two while roll call votes were under way, according to telephone and
congressional records.
According to Wonkette he has a diaper thing and his madame also said more about her political clients.
Some of the fantasies at the Canal Street Brothel got a little rough. For those
who liked that kind of stuff, there were whips, chains and a lot of leather.
Jeanette says that most of the clients who wanted to be dominated were
Republicans. She cracks a smile, then adds, “They wanted to be spanked and
tortured and wear stockings—Republicans have impeccable taste in silk
stockings—and these are the people who run our country.”
And last, you'd think that a chance to cut the abortion rate in this country would make everybody happy. Everybody except those most strongly opposed to abortion.
The popularity of the morning-after pill Plan B has surged in the year
since the federal government approved the sale of the controversial emergency
contraceptive without a prescription.
But conservative groups that fought the change say they are disturbed by
the surging use.
"This is very concerning," said Charmaine Yoest of the
Family Research Council, which is among several groups suing the FDA to reverse
the decision. "We think this is putting women's health at risk."
Conservative members of Congress and advocacy groups strongly opposed the
move. They questioned the drug's safety and argued that easier availability
could encourage sexual activity and make it easier for men to have sex with
underage girls. They also maintain the pill can cause the equivalent of an
What the Hell. Have a good Friday.